What we need in this day and age is clear and accessible information that is communicated in the right ways. Information design is centred on the accurate representation of specific knowledge. Information design has evolved to visually pleasing pieces where the information has be clearly commutated in a way where it is a pleasure to read and look at while still understanding the information is there for you to gather Intel from.
There are many examples of information design, one of the most common is flow charts. Where information is broken down in to an easy to understand and visually pleasing piece. Information design is never as dominant then it is within online media so lately you could say the internet is there to push information design to be more precise and visually pleasing to grab the attention of the audience.

Flowcharts are a form of diagram that shows a process it goes in steps, it normally consists or connecting shapes.
For this task my group decided to create a flow chart to show certain parts of the raw data we where given.
The cut down of the data was made to only consist of damage done to certain parts of the community within the riots.